Habeas Corpus
Latin, meaning "you have the body." A writ of habeas corpus generally is a judicial order forcing law enforcement authorities to produce a prisoner they are holding, and to justify the prisoner's continued confinement.
The United States did not invent the principle of habeas corpus. It was Europe that first introduced the principle.
Latin, meaning "you have the body." A writ of habeas corpus generally is a judicial order forcing law enforcement authorities to produce a prisoner they are holding, and to justify the prisoner's continued confinement.
The United States did not invent the principle of habeas corpus. It was Europe that first introduced the principle.
Lat铆n, que significa "tienes el cuerpo." Un recurso de h谩beas corpus generalmente es una orden judicial que obliga a las autoridades policiales a presentar a un prisionero que est谩n reteniendo y a justificar la continuaci贸n del confinamiento del prisionero.
Estados Unidos no invent贸 el principio del h谩beas corpus. Fue Europa quien introdujo primero el principio.
Aatinob'aal Lat铆n li naraj xyeb'al "wan li tz'ejwalej aawik'in." Junaq xhuhil xwanjik tz'ejwalej a'an jun xtaql aj raqol aatin chi xteneb'anb'il sa' xb'eeneb' aj k'aak'alehom tenamit chi xk'utb'al chiru li chaq'rab' naq wan rik'ineb' junaq chapb'il re xch'olob'ankil xyaalalil k'a'put ru toj tz'apz'o.
Eb' li Estaat moko ke'xyoob' ta li xna'leb' xwanjik tz'ejwalej. A'an b'an Europa li xb'eenxb'een ki'yoob'an re li na'leb' a'an.
A ju tnum te Estados Unidos nya xja'w nab'lente a kolil xmilal. Aju tnum te Europa jaw b'inchante ikx xi' aq'unante tnejilxix.
Tzijob'al Latin are wa' ucholaj " ub'aqil k'olik awuk' ". We jun to'b'al Ub'akil K'olik are b'a jun saqamaq' taqanik ri ku' ta'ruk' ch'ijinem rumal ri winaq ri k'o pa ki q'ab' ri unimaxik ri taqanel tzij rech le are' kki k'ut ri ajpache' ri ki chapom xuquje jasche kkanaj kan pache'.
Ri EEUU Man are'taj xki chaple'j ub'eal ri ub'aqil k'olik. Are b'a ri aj Europa a're' ri qas nab'e xe'k'amowuloq xuquje xkikojo.