Disposable Income
Income not reasonably necessary for the maintenance or support of the debtor or dependents. If the debtor operates a business, disposable income is defined as those amounts over and above what is necessary for the payment of ordinary operating expenses.
It was determined that the defendant's disposable income was insufficient to fulfill the judgement.
Income not reasonably necessary for the maintenance or support of the debtor or dependents. If the debtor operates a business, disposable income is defined as those amounts over and above what is necessary for the payment of ordinary operating expenses.
It was determined that the defendant's disposable income was insufficient to fulfill the judgement.
Ingresos no razonablemente necesarios para el mantenimiento o sustento del deudor o sus dependientes. Si el deudor opera un negocio, los ingresos disponibles se definen como aquellos montos que exceden lo necesario para el pago de gastos operativos ordinarios.
Se determinó que los ingresos disponibles del acusado eran insuficientes para cumplir con el gasto
Tumin li na'tam ut moko aje' ta ru re cho'q re li wan xk'as chi moko li xjunkab'aal re xtojb'al k'aaq re ru chi rajlal kutan. Wi li wan xk'as xb'een na'ok chi k'anjelak, na'yeeman naq li xtamon tumin a'an li k'ulanb'il chi numtajenaq chiru li aje' ru chi xtojb'al re xyu'aminkil li kutan junjunq.
Na'k'a'uxlaman naq li xtamon tumin li jitb'il moko tz'aqal ta re xtz'aqob'resinkil li raqb' aatin sa' xb'een.
A ju pwaq tla tu'n tkanun aj tajb'en te xjal tu'n tanq'in maqa tu'n txi tchojon tk'as maqa e' china'qtl t-tixti. Qa ti tk'aẍ a xjal majinalte pwaq, ax a ju pwaq in ok tu'n k'aẍjel in ajb'en tu'n tchjet k'as ikx tub'chil.
A ju q'maj qa a jun pwaq xjal xhmon layx kanun tu'n tchjete tk'as xjal .
Are' pwaq ch'ekon chik ri qas man rajawxiktaj che uwiqik yey utzuqik rib' ri aj k'asaj yey jachintaq ku' tzuqu. We k'u nee' ri ajk'asanel ojchoq'en nima k'ayij, ri pwaq uch'ekom k'olik le are' xa uwi' urajil, chuwach ri rajawxik che ub'anik tojo'mijik che uchakuxik ri k'ayij.
Xb'ixik chi le Pwaq Ch'ekom K'olik re ri ch'a'ojinel man tzaqat taj che utojik ri q'atoj tzij xb'an pa uwi'