Department of Labor
Department of the Executive Branch of the U.S. government that fosters and promotes the welfare of the job seekers, wage earners, and retirees of the United States by improving their working conditions, advancing their opportunities for profitable employment, protecting their retirement and health care benefits, helping employers find workers, strengthening free collective bargaining, and tracking changes in employment, prices, and other national economic measurements.
There are many people who come to the United States with work permits. The Department of Labor ensures that these people are treated fairly, paid a wage that is consistent with labor laws, and assists in holding businesses accountable for their actions.
Department of the Executive Branch of the U.S. government that fosters and promotes the welfare of the job seekers, wage earners, and retirees of the United States by improving their working conditions, advancing their opportunities for profitable employment, protecting their retirement and health care benefits, helping employers find workers, strengthening free collective bargaining, and tracking changes in employment, prices, and other national economic measurements.
There are many people who come to the United States with work permits. The Department of Labor ensures that these people are treated fairly, paid a wage that is consistent with labor laws, and assists in holding businesses accountable for their actions.
El Departamento del Ejecutivo del gobierno de los Estados Unidos que fomenta y promueve el bienestar de los solicitantes de empleo, trabajadores asalariados y jubilados de los Estados Unidos mediante la mejora de sus condiciones laborales, el avance de sus oportunidades de empleo rentable, la protecci贸n de sus beneficios de jubilaci贸n y atenci贸n m茅dica, ayudando a los empleadores a encontrar trabajadores, fortaleciendo la negociaci贸n colectiva libre y rastreando cambios en el empleo, precios y otras mediciones econ贸micas nacionales es el Departamento de Trabajo de los Estados Unidos (United States Department of Labor).
Hay muchas personas que vienen a los Estados Unidos con permisos de trabajo. El Departamento de Trabajo asegura que estas personas sean tratadas de manera justa, reciban un salario conforme a las leyes laborales y ayuda a responsabilizar a las empresas por sus acciones.
Jun maq'anil smulnajil Yajawil tx'otx' Estados Unidos yin yilaytoq jantaq heb' mulnajwom anima, heb' ay stojb'al, yetoq heb' ichamtaq winaq yul tx'otx' Estados Unidos yet watx' k'al yili' b'ay chi ok mulnajil, kax tol ay swatx'ilal b'ay heb' yin stojb'anil, k'al yet chi ilayteq chen tumin yet k'ub'ejb'al yetoq kapax jantaq kolwal chi ak'lay yib'an syik'isal. Kolwal yin heb' aj mulnajil, yet watx' chi yun yilchaj smulnajwom heb', iptzelay aj stojb'anil heb' mulnajwom yin lajti'al, kax tol yowalil chi illaytoq k'exkex mulnajil, stojb'anil, yetoq jantaq stuminal konob' yin wajanil.
Eju teq'e toj q'uqb'il te b'inchal kawb'il te jun tnum te Estados Unidos in xi kman ikx in xi kyek'un kye qanil qanb'etz tij aquntl, eju aqunal inx chi chjli maqa e' jon chi aq'unalt noqtzun a inx chi chojli twi kyk'uj toj tnum te Estados Unidos tu'n kynante b'an , aj tzun klq'e in ul txanjtl aq'ult kye maqa kux tzaj q'mantju kye , atzun kolbil kye xjal jon chi aq'unalt noqtzun a inx chi chojli twi kyk'uj ixk in tzaj q'o'n jun tumel twi kq'anb'il, aqe aq'unal in chi b'inchan xtalb'il tun tza'j kjyon txa'ntl onil, ink in xi tx'olb'an kye qa kxel q'o'n twi k-k'uj b'anxch'in , chojb'ilte ikx t'un txi kayi'n txa'ntl tixti tu'n q'uqb'il te aq'untl .
Molaj re uchuq'ab'il are wa' jujun chke ri uk'amob'e tinamital re EEUU ri ku rilo xuquje ku tzukuj rutzil ki wach conojel ri aj taol taq chak, ri nikiaj ktjin kee' tojik xuquje' , ri nima'qtaq winaq ri man kee' chakun chik jewa' EEUU, kurutzirisaj jawije' kee' chakun wi, kril aponoq chi konojel k'o kajil ka ki ch'ek'o, kki chajij ki rajil ri ri'j taq winak ri man kee' chakunta chik xuquje' ri rech urilik uwach ri ajkunanel, kee' ki to'b'ej ri ajrajaw ri chak chu tzukuxic aj chakab', ku kowirisaj ri tzijonik ku'k' konojel chu taranexik ri k'exenik pa taq ri chak k'olib'al, ri rajil xuquje nik'iaj upajb'alil upwaqil tinamital.