Claim is a legal demand or assertion that is provided by a person who is seeking some type of reimbursement, payment, or compensation for a loss that is under a contract, or because of injury as a result of someone's negligence.
After the car accident, the injured driver filed a compensation claim with the other driver's insurance company for damages suffered in the accident.
Claim is a legal demand or assertion that is provided by a person who is seeking some type of reimbursement, payment, or compensation for a loss that is under a contract, or because of injury as a result of someone's negligence.
After the car accident, the injured driver filed a compensation claim with the other driver's insurance company for damages suffered in the accident.
Un reclamo es una demanda o afirmación legal proporcionada por una persona que busca algún tipo de reembolso, pago o compensación por una pérdida derivada de un contrato o por una lesión como resultado de la negligencia de alguien.
Después del accidente automovilístico, el conductor lesionado presentó un reclamo de compensación a la compañía de seguros del otro conductor por los daños sufridos en el accidente.
A jun qanil tqanil il ax a jun poqol xjal maqa jun yek'ib'il tib'aj akuxix tb'inchb'en xjal in okx yek'un tu'n juntl xjal qa tajb'il tu'n txi ajsan tpuwaq, maqa tu'n txi chjon xpich'b'il xjal te.
Yajxitl te jun nya b'anil xbaj te jun k'uxb'il, a jun xjal q'elte k'uxb'il ma ky'xb'i ikx ma tzo'kx tyek'un jun tqanil ju tqanil qa jaku tzaj chjon tu'n ja te b'uyb'il pwaq e ju tixti xchi' b'aj tx'u'yj te k'uxb'il tu'n nya b'anil saj tij .
Ri Tojb’al qas Kta’ik are uta’ik rumal jun winaq ri ktajin kutzukuj utzalixik uwach ri k’ax o utzalixik uwach ri utojb'alil ruk’ pwaq, rumal rech k'o xutzaqo ri ya b'im kanoq chi ktoj na, xuquje rumal che jun sokonik xuriqo umak jun winaq chik.