A warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, and a beak and (typically) by being able to fly.
The resplendent Quetzal is the national bird of Guatemala.
Un vertebrado de sangre caliente que pone huevos que se distingue por la posesión de plumas, alas y pico y (tÃpicamente) para poder volar.
El resplandeciente Quetzal es el ave nacional de Guatemala.
Uma’l txoo uva’ at ib’aj, tz’aal ikaj, ni k’olb’e, jaljol tele’ tan at ixi’ch’ tetz ixich’one’, as at vi’itzi’ jutz’ixi. Â
U q’uq’ ni k’uchunsan ivatz un nimla txava’ Guatemala.
Jun ajb'aqil chikop ri meq'in ukik'el ajkojol saqmo'l ri su q'alaj chi le are' k'o rismal, uxik' xuquje' utz'ob' xuquje' (amaq'el) rech kkunik krapapik.
Le q'uq' kchupchatik are wa' ri ramaq'ilal tz'ikin re Guatemala.