A mammal that feeds on ants and termites. It has a long snout and sticky tongue.
Anteaters are found wherever there are many ants for them to eat.
A mammal that feeds on ants and termites. It has a long snout and sticky tongue.
Anteaters are found wherever there are many ants for them to eat.
Un mam铆fero que se alimenta de hormigas y termitas. Tiene un hocico largo y una lengua pegajosa.
Los osos hormigueros se encuentran dondequiera que haya muchas hormigas para que puedan comer.
Jun xul na'tu'uk li nake'xtzaka sank jo'keb' wi' mitz'xul, najt xterma li ru'uj ut k'ajo' xletzalal li ru'uj raq'.
Eb' li tz'uqtz'um nake'taliman yalaq b'ar nak'ewan wi k'ila sank cho'q reheb' chi xlowb'al.
Are wa' ri jun awaj ri ri ku tzuq rib' ruk sanik xuquje' ajq'aysanel che' chikop. Rab'arik utza'am xuquje' ri raq' knak'ek'ik.
Ri awaj ajtijol sanik apawichi' ek'o wi jawije ek'o wi ri k'ialaj taq sanik rech kki tzuq kib'.