Weight (Legal)
The consideration given to evidence and testimony by a judge and jury.
The judge instructed the jury to give the police interview with the defendant limited weight because of the language barrier.
The consideration given to evidence and testimony by a judge and jury.
The judge instructed the jury to give the police interview with the defendant limited weight because of the language barrier.
La consideraci贸n dada a la evidencia y el testimonio por un juez y un jurado.
El juez instruy贸 al jurado a dar un peso de prueba limitado a la entrevista policial con el acusado debido a la barrera del idioma.
A' li xwankilal reetalil li ch'utam sa' raqleb'aal chaq'rab' a' yal jo' k'a'uxlanb'il xb'aaneb' aj tz'ilol k'anjel jo'wi' aj raqol aatin.
Laj raqol aatin xtaqlaheb' aj tz'ilol k'anjel naq kub'enaq raj te'xk'e xwankil li seeraq' xyanq aj k'aak'alehom tenamit ut li jtb'il xmaak li ch'a'ajkilal rik'in li aatinob'aal.
Ri rilik uwach yaom ruk' ri k'utunik xuquje' ri q'alajisanik rumal ri ajq'atol tzij, xuquje' ri molaj ilol re jun makaj.
Ri ajq'atol tzij xtaqan chke ri moloj aj ilol makaj che uyaik inla'j Ra'lal ri tzijonik xu b'an ri ajchajinel tinamit chre ri aj tzujunel xa rumal re chi reta'm taj ri ki ch'ab'al le are'.