A burrowing, gregarious, plant-eating animal with long ears, long hind legs, and a short tail.
During our trip to the mountain the kids enjoyed watching the rabbit crossing the road after I have stop my car.
Un animal herb铆voro, gregario y excavador, con orejas largas, patas traseras largas y cola corta.
Durante nuestro viaje a la monta帽a, los ni帽os disfrutaron viendo al conejo cruzar el camino despu茅s de que detuve mi auto.
Jun awaj ri ku tij ichaj, ku mulij rib' kuk' nik'iaj chik, xuquje' ajk'otonel, nimraqan ruxikin, ri raqan ek'o chrij e rab'arik, xuquje' cut ri uje'.
Are chi xe' qa q'atuj ri juyub', sib'laj je'l kkil ri ak'alab' arteaq ri imul xu q'at ri b'e, nab'e k'ut xin tak'ab'a' ri nu ch'ich'.