A large, solitary cat that has a yellowish-brown or brown coat with black spots and usually hunts at night, widespread in the forests of Africa and southern Asia.
The leopard is distinctive to other large cats because of its large spots. We have not seen any leopards in the wild in Guatemala... yet.
A large, solitary cat that has a yellowish-brown or brown coat with black spots and usually hunts at night, widespread in the forests of Africa and southern Asia.
The leopard is distinctive to other large cats because of its large spots. We have not seen any leopards in the wild in Guatemala... yet.
Un gran gato solitario que tiene un pelaje marrón amarillento o marrón con manchas negras y que suele cazar de noche, extendido en los bosques de África y el sur de Asia.
El leopardo se distingue de otros grandes felinos por sus grandes manchas. No hemos visto ningún leopardo en estado salvaje en Guatemala... todavía.
Aju ẍyal b'alun majx in el tpan tib' kayin kyyuk'el e txqantl wiẍ tu'n tpaj ẍyal toj atzun tẍyalal qeq. toj tnum te Paxil namx txi qkayinxi jun ẍyal b'alun tx'iyanwul tiky'il... namx.
Are wa' jun aj tukelal me's, le rismal are k'aqo'oj q'anq'oj on xaqi k'aqo'oj ruk' q'eqalaj taq tz'aj, xuquje' kchapan pa taq aq'ab', le are' kriqitaj pa taq ri k'ache'laj re Sepk'iq'eq ulew xuquje' pa ri umox ri relb'al q'ij re Sepk'isaq ulew.
Ri b'alam ruk' q'eq taq nak' su q'alaj uwach chikixo'l ri nik'iaj nim taq me's rumal ri nim taq nak' ri k'o chuwach rutz'u'mal. Ma wi jun b'alam ruk' q'eq taq nak' qilom ri k'o pa ujuyub'al pa Guatemala... K'a maja'.