Common method of instruction in college and university courses; a professor lectures in classes of 20 to several hundred students. Lectures may be supplemented with regular small group discussions led by teaching assistants.
A classroom lecture differs from a more interactive type of learning in that the talking is mostly done by a professor while the students take notes.
Common method of instruction in college and university courses; a professor lectures in classes of 20 to several hundred students. Lectures may be supplemented with regular small group discussions led by teaching assistants.
A classroom lecture differs from a more interactive type of learning in that the talking is mostly done by a professor while the students take notes.
M茅todo com煤n de instrucci贸n en cursos universitarios; un profesor imparte conferencias en clases de 20 a varios cientos de estudiantes. Las conferencias pueden complementarse con discusiones regulares en grupos peque帽os dirigidas por asistentes de ense帽anza.
Una conferencia en el aula difiere de un tipo de aprendizaje m谩s interactivo en que la mayor parte de la conversaci贸n la realiza el profesor mientras los estudiantes toman notas.