A rule or order that it is advisable or obligatory to observe.
The law states that murder is a crime.
A rule or order that it is advisable or obligatory to observe.
The law states that murder is a crime.
Una regla u orden que es aconsejable u obligatorio observar.
La ley establece que el asesinato es un crimen.
Jun kawb麓il maqa jun txolb麓il b麓a麓n maqa il ti麓j tu麓n t-xi b麓inchet.
A jikyb'il n-chi tq麓ama麓n qa a b麓iyb麓il jun il.
Jun b'ixikal on taqanik ri utz ka tatab'exik on rajawaxik ka nimax uwach.
Ri taqanel tzij ku b'ij chi ri kamisanik are jun nimalaj makaj.