Born in, belonging to, or characteristic of some place or country other than the one under consideration.
The man explained that he was born in a foreign country but would like to raise his children in New York.
Born in, belonging to, or characteristic of some place or country other than the one under consideration.
The man explained that he was born in a foreign country but would like to raise his children in New York.
Nacido en, perteneciente a, o caracter铆stico de alg煤n lugar o pa铆s diferente al considerado.
El hombre explic贸 que naci贸 en un pa铆s extranjero, pero le gustar铆a criar a sus hijos en Nueva York.
Us ta na'tawman ru a' aatin a'in, moko qaatinob'aal ta li aatin "kaxlan". Na'yola b'an re xyeb'al aniheb' aj Kasteyano sa' xq'ehil naq yookeb' chaq chi xmaq'b'al xch'och'eb' xyu'ameb' qapoyanam.
Li qawa'chin kixch'olob' naq najti tenamit yolaajenaq wi' ab'an naraj raj chi xk'iiresinkileb' li xkok'al aran Aki' York.
Itzjni, maqa xjal te juntl tnun maqa junxitl kayin twutz kyuk'el xjal ja najliya.
A jun chan xi tnaman qa xi itzjniya toj juntl tnum , ikx tzun tajb'il tu'n ky-kub' tch'iyijsanqe tk'wal toj tnum te Nueva York.
A'lanik, le ub'anikil aj rech jun k'wi tinamit chik, junwi chuwach ri jun kurayij kk'oje' knoq.
Ri achi xu lememej ub'ixik chi le are' xalax pa jun Aj Ch'aqap Tinamit chik are b'a' urayb'al ranima' ku' k'iysaj ri ralkua'l pa K'ak' York.