Exculpatory Evidence
Evidence indicating that a defendant did not commit the crime.
The judge instructed the jury that what the witness explained is equatable to exculpatory evidence.
Evidence indicating that a defendant did not commit the crime.
The judge instructed the jury that what the witness explained is equatable to exculpatory evidence.
Evidencia que indica que un acusado no cometi贸 el delito.
El juez instruy贸 al jurado que lo que explic贸 el testigo equivale a prueba exculpatoria.
Reetali ch'utam li naxk'ut xyaalalil naq li jitb'il moko xmaako' ta.
Laj raqol aatin xchaq'rab'i eb' aj tz'ilol ch'utam naq li ch'olob'anb'il xb'aan aj yeehol yaal juntaq'eet ajwi' rik'in reetalil xsachom maak.
Yek'b'il tij xjal qa nya xb'inchante elqanin.
A ju ajkawin ma txi tchik'b'an te kawil qa a xjal a jun xi kayinte b'an axixi ntman.
Are jun k'utunik ri kuya' ub'ixikal chi ri aj ataj tzij man xu b'an taj ri nimalaj makaj.
Ri ajq'atol tzij xu b'ij chke ri aj ilol re jun makaj chi le ajq'alajisanel xa junam uwach le are' qas je ri jun Retal Sachb'al Makaj.