Deferred Action
A type of prosecutorial discretion that allows an individual to remain in the United States for a set period of time, unless the deferred action is terminated for some reason.
A type of prosecutorial discretion that allows an individual to remain in the United States for a set period of time, unless the deferred action is terminated for some reason.
La acci贸n diferida es un tipo de discreci贸n procesal que otorga a una persona la posibilidad de permanecer en los Estados Unidos durante un per铆odo espec铆fico, a menos que la acci贸n diferida sea revocada por alguna raz贸n."
Qas je ne' utzij sujuj chi kuyao jun winaq ka k'oje' EEUU xa b'a ajilam nik'iaj q'ij yaom, wene' b'a ri Taonik Rech K'olem ka k'isik xa rumal ne rech jun jasach. We jun Taonik Rech K'olem le are' ka ch'ob'uxe' chi ki jujunichal, xuquje cu b'ij chi xa k'olem ya'tal che. Man ku ya' taj uwuj rech ku jaluj jun ajwaral, xuquje' man k'o ta chic k'wi uwachib'al tob'anik kayaik. DACA are' qas je ne jun Taonik Rech K'olem.