Used as a function word to indicate connection or addition especially of items within the same class or type.
Part of being a parent means taking on the responsibility to care for their financially AND emotionally.
Used as a function word to indicate connection or addition especially of items within the same class or type.
Part of being a parent means taking on the responsibility to care for their financially AND emotionally.
Usado como una palabra funcional para indicar conexi贸n o adici贸n, especialmente de elementos dentro de la misma clase o tipo.
Parte de ser padre significa asumir la responsabilidad de cuidar de ellos tanto financiera Y emocionalmente.
In ajb'en tu'n toj tjunan tib' qa a junjun txol yol tzaqpi始n kyten, ikx qa jun tumel txol yol.
Ax tmoj taq'un mamb'aj a tu'n txi tkayinqe tib'aj tk'u'j pwaq ikx tu'n tq'maj knab'l.
Kkoj pacha' jun tzij ri are' upatan ku ya' ub'ixikal k'amowem on nuk'ulem, apacha' ki k'u'x ri jastaq chupam ri xa junam ki wachib'al.
Ri ucholajil are chi' jun kux tat, nim ri eqele'n kk'amik chre ri ki chajixik ruk' pwaq XUQUJE' ri rutzil uwach ri ki no'j.