Any of various systems of reckoning time, especially with reference to the beginning, length, and divisions of the year.
The Gregorian calendar consists of 12 months, 52 weeks, and 365 days.
xabachike’ ri k’y taq sistemas richin cálculo richin ri ramaj janila k’atzinel toq nitz’ukutej el, chijun y ri ru kujolij richin ri runa’.
Ri ajilanem gregoriano k’o 12 ik’ 52 semanas y 365 taq q’ij.
Any of various systems of reckoning time, especially with reference to the beginning, length, and divisions of the year.
The Gregorian calendar consists of 12 months, 52 weeks, and 365 days.
Cualquiera de varios sistemas de cálculo del tiempo, especialmente en referencia al comienzo, duración y divisiones del año.
El calendario gregoriano consta de 12 meses, 52 semanas y 365 dÃas.
Apachinchke ri k'ia taq uwachib'al ri rajilib'al q'ij, pacha' ri ku ya' ub'ixikal ri uchapale'xik, raqanil, xuquje' ri taq uch'aqa'til ri junab'.
Ri kaxlan ajilab'al q'ij k'o 12 ik' chupam, 52 wuquq'ij xuquje' 365 q'ij.