A tribunal presided over by a judge, judges, or a magistrate in civil and criminal cases.
The mother explained to her children that court is a place where laws are examined and enforced.
A tribunal presided over by a judge, judges, or a magistrate in civil and criminal cases.
The mother explained to her children that court is a place where laws are examined and enforced.
Un tribunal presidido por un juez, jueces o un magistrado en casos civiles y penales.
La madre explicó a sus hijos que el tribunal es un lugar donde se examinan y se hacen cumplir las leyes.
Na’ajej kawresinb’il cho'q re aj raqol aatin, xch'utal aj raqoleb’ aatin, , maraj ruuchil aj raqol aatin re poyanam chi rab'inkil li wech'ok junjunq reheb' li poyanam.
Li na’b’ej xch’olob’ reheb’ li xkok’al naq li raqleb’aal chaq’rab’ a’an jun li na’ajej b’ar wi li chaq’rab’ ilb’ileb’ ut kawob’resinb’ileb’.
A tja kawb'il a ajkawil in q'mante tumel aquntl, txqan ajkawil maqa jun ojtxi' ajkawil t'ij tixku tixti maqa ti'j xim te il.
Ajun txub'aj ma txi tchik'b'an kye tal qa aju ja te kawb'il jun ja te temb'il ja in xi ka'yina ikx in kub' q'o'n kawb'il.
Jun q'atb'al tzij ri taqem u b'e rumal ri aj q'atol tzij, aj q'atol tzija'b, o nima q'atol tzij pa uwi' uwinaqil makaj xuquje' nimaq taq makaj.
Le nan xu ya ub'ixik chke ri ral chi le q'atb'al tzij are' jun k'olib'al jawije' ka ch'ob' uxe' xuquje' ku b'an upatan ri taqanel tzij.