The body of persons that constitutes the governing authority of a political unit, organization, or nation.
The government is established in order to provide services for its citizens and such as education, health, and economic opportunity.
The body of persons that constitutes the governing authority of a political unit, organization, or nation.
The government is established in order to provide services for its citizens and such as education, health, and economic opportunity.
El cuerpo de personas que constituye la autoridad gobernante de una unidad pol铆tica, organizaci贸n o naci贸n.
El gobierno se establece para proporcionar servicios a sus ciudadanos, como educaci贸n, salud y oportunidades econ贸micas.
Li ch鈥檜ut re poyanam li nake'xjolomi jun li ch鈥檜ut aj k'amol xb'ehil tenamit, junjunq chi molam, maraj nimla tenamit.
Li awab鈥檈jilal k'ojob'anb'il re xk'eeb'al xtenq'ankileb' li ralal xk鈥檃jol li tenamit sa' li tzoleb鈥檃al, kawilal, ut maatan re waklik.
Jolomejal konob' tol ajkaw chi yaqon txolilal konob', k'al tzet chi yun yiq'b'en masanail yin junejal.
Ha' heb' cham jolomejal yajaw tol ha' chi sayon tzet chi yun kolchaj heb' skonob' yin axka, kuyoj, yikisal, k'al yaxilal.
Jun k'loj xjal in kyb麓inche jun k麓lojin te kawb麓il, jun nuk麓b麓il, maqa jun tnam.
A wi'xin in jaw sk'o'n tu'n tkub' kyb'inchan jun k'loj aq麓untl kye xjal, ikse麓n xnaq麓tzb麓il, q麓anb麓il ikx amb麓il te q麓inumal.
Jutz'ob'aj winaq ri eb'uxinaq ri k'amal taq b'e, aj q'atb'al tzij re juwoqaj taq' kajmanelab', molaj on amaqil.
Ri taqawokaj ke' ku'b'axik chre ri uyaik pataninik chke ri ki winak aj ki tinamit, pacha' ri tijonem, ri kunanem xuquje' ramajil chre uch'ekik upwaq.