Mental Health
The condition of being sound mentally and emotionally that is characterized by the absence of mental illness and by adequate adjustment especially as reflected in feeling comfortable about oneself, positive feelings about others, and the ability to meet the demands of daily life.
There are many mental health professionals to help people with all types of need for help and for all ages.
The condition of being sound mentally and emotionally that is characterized by the absence of mental illness and by adequate adjustment especially as reflected in feeling comfortable about oneself, positive feelings about others, and the ability to meet the demands of daily life.
There are many mental health professionals to help people with all types of need for help and for all ages.
Condici贸n de estar sano mental y emocionalmente que se caracteriza por la ausencia de enfermedad mental y por un ajuste adecuado, especialmente lo que se refleja en sentirse c贸modo consigo mismo, sentimientos positivos hacia los dem谩s y la capacidad de satisfacer las exigencias de la vida diaria.
Hay muchos profesionales de la salud mental para ayudar a personas con todo tipo de necesidades de ayuda y para todas las edades.
Are wa' ri ub'antajik aretaq utz ri rutzil uwach ri no'j xuquje' k'o kub'isam k'u'xaj ri ku k'utu chi man k'ota uyab' ri no'j rumal rech chi utz ronojel, ri ku na'o chi utz uwach, utz na'b'alib'al chke nik'iaj chik xuquje' ri chuq'ab' che utzaqatisaxik ri ronojel q'ij taq patan.
Ek'i ri nim taq ki no'j che urilik ry yaqab' ruk' rutzil uwach ri no'j ri kki to'b'ej winaq ruk ronojel ri rajawaxik apachke uwachib'al xuquje' konojel ki junab'.