Assessments are ways of collecting information about a student’s strengths, needs, and interests. People generally think of assessments as tests. But, they can also include observation, record review, and talking with the student and/or parents.
Every year in May, students are given an assessment to measure their growth in learning.
Ri winaqi nikinojij chi ri tojtob’enik jun examen, po chuqa tikirel nitz’et ri ru k’utuna’oj, ninik’ox ri tzib’atel kan y tzijonik rik’in ri tijoxel y kik’in ri te’ej tata’aj.
Juna’, juna’ pa ik’ Mayo, ri tijoxela’ nikikul jun tojtob’enik richin netex ri ru k’iyinik chupan ri etamanik.
Assessments are ways of collecting information about a student’s strengths, needs, and interests. People generally think of assessments as tests. But, they can also include observation, record review, and talking with the student and/or parents.
Every year in May, students are given an assessment to measure their growth in learning.
Las evaluaciones son formas de recopilar información sobre las fortalezas, necesidades e intereses de un estudiante. Por lo general, las personas consideran las evaluaciones como pruebas. Sin embargo, también pueden incluir observación, revisión de registros y conversaciones con el estudiante y/o padres.
Cada año en mayo, se les da a los estudiantes una evaluación para medir su crecimiento en el aprendizaje.
Ri etab'al eta'manik are ka chokonik chre ri umolik tzijol ri jawije' k'o ri chuq'ab', ri rajawxik xuquje' urayb'al ri tijoxel. Amaq'el lo, ri winaq ka ki chomaj chi ri etab'al eta'manik are pajb'al. Xa k'ut, xuquje' k'o kuinem ka yuj ruk' ri ilinem, nik'onem ri tz'b'am kanoq xuquje' taq tzijonem ruk' ri tijoxel xuquje'/on kuk' ri nan tat.
Pa Mayo ronojel junab', ka ya' chke ri ajtijoxelab' ri pajib'al eta'manik chre ri uretaxik ri uk'iyem ri ki no'j pa ri eta'mab'al.