A traditional hip bag used to carry daily goods when traveling outside of the home such as papers, food items, etc.
The Satchel is used by men and women as a representation of elegance.
A traditional hip bag used to carry daily goods when traveling outside of the home such as papers, food items, etc.
The Satchel is used by men and women as a representation of elegance.
Bolsa tradicional que se utiliza para llevar artículos de uso diario cuando se viaja fuera de casa, como papeles, comida, etc.
El morral es utilizado por hombres y mujeres como representación de elegancia.
Jun b'otz tz'uẍ chmon in ajb'en tu'n t-xi q'it iq'inj toj qa ma txiya toj b'e, in xi qit u'j toj, tb'el wab´j, tixkutitl.
A tz'uẍ in ajb'en tu'n chan ikx tu'n qya tu'n t-xi kayin xawankuxix.
Jun amaq'el b'olxa ri ka koj chre ri uk'olik jastaq re ronojelq'ij ukojik are chi' ka b'an elemb'ik, on che uk'olik taq wuj, wa, on nik'iaj sataq chik.
Ri chim ka koj kumal ri achijab' xuquje' ixoqib' pacha' je uwachib'al ri kalujuw.