File (Verb)
To place a paper in the official custody of the clerk of court to enter into the files or records of a case.
The judge gave the respondent 14 days before the trial to file all applications.
To place a paper in the official custody of the clerk of court to enter into the files or records of a case.
The judge gave the respondent 14 days before the trial to file all applications.
Poner un documento bajo la custodia oficial del secretario del tribunal para ingresarlo en los archivos o registros de un caso.
El juez le dio al demandado 14 d铆as antes del juicio para presentar todas las solicitudes.
Xk'eeb'al junaq xhuhil li chaqrab' sa' ruq' aj tenq'ahom aj raqol aatin re naq ta'oktesiiq jo' tz'aqal xhuhil ch'utam.
Laj raqol aatin kixk'e aj sumenel kaalaju kutan maji' na'tikla li ch'utam re xq'axtesinkil chi xjunileb' xtz'aamahom.
Te jun ajtz'ib'al te nin ja te kawb'il in xi q'eta u'j tun txi tk'un b'anxix maqa tun tkux tq'o'n kxol txjantl u'j te xpich'b'il ky'b'al kyil xjal .
Aj ajkawil nejtl xi tq'o'n kyaj laj q'ij amb'il tuntoq tokx kyq'o'n u'j nejtl tun tb'aj yol tib'aj tkawil xjal .
Aretaq kya' jun nim ucholaj wuj pa uq'ab' ri ajtzib' re q'atb'al tzij rech kuya' chupam ri ajlememel wuj re makul.
Ri Ajq'atol tzij xuya kajlajuj q'ij chre ri ajch'awanel aretaq k'a maja' na kjeqetaj ri sujuj rech Kya' Pa K'olik ronojel ri nim ruxik taq wuj.