Ask (to question)
To put a question to someone, or to request an answer.
Teachers always encourage students to ask questions if they don’t understand what they ate learning.
To put a question to someone, or to request an answer.
Teachers always encourage students to ask questions if they don’t understand what they ate learning.
Para hacer una pregunta a alguien, o para solicitar una respuesta.
Los maestros siempre animan a los estudiantes a preguntar si no entienden lo que están aprendiendo.
Eju ajxnaq'tzal majx atl in xi kyq'aman kye ajxnaq'tzanjs tu'n t-xi kxjelun qa nim ikx tixti toj kywi'.
Are chi' kb'an jun ta'onik chre jun winaq, on chi' ri ktz'onox utzalijem ub'ixik.
Ri ajtijab' amaq'el ke' ki yak ki k'u'x ri ajtijoxelab' rech kki b'an taq ta'ik we man kki ch'ob' taj ri ktajin kketa'maj.