Having no one else present.
The boy was alone in the road on the way to school when he heard the new popular song playing on the radio.
Having no one else present.
The boy was alone in the road on the way to school when he heard the new popular song playing on the radio.
Estando solo, sin nadie más presente.
El niño estaba solo en el camino hacia la escuela cuando escuchó la nueva canción popular en la radio.
Tjunalx ati, xalaxjutl atiwl tk'itz.
Tjunalxtoq jun k'wal ati toj tb'eyil jaxnaq'tzb'il aj te xtxi tb'in se'tz ak'aj chnub' toj q'ajtzb'il chnub'.
Are chi' ma wi jun k'o chunaqaj jun winaq.
Le alaj ala utukel pa ri b'e aretaq b'enaq pa tijob'al, are chi' xu ta' ri qas k'ak' b'ixonik pa ri ch'ab'al pa kaqiq'.