An agile tree-dwelling rodent with a bushy tail, typically feeding on nuts and seeds.
The child asked his mom: Why does the squirrel hide the nuts? They hide food to provide themselves in the winter.
An agile tree-dwelling rodent with a bushy tail, typically feeding on nuts and seeds.
The child asked his mom: Why does the squirrel hide the nuts? They hide food to provide themselves in the winter.
Un roedor ágil que habita en los árboles con una cola tupida y que normalmente se alimenta de nueces y semillas.
El niño le preguntó a su mamá: ¿Por qué la ardilla esconde las nueces? Esconden comida para abastecerse en el invierno.
Jun sak'aj ajqulunel, ri ku b'an uk'aslemal pa taq ri che', ruk' chom uje' xuquje' amaq'el lo ku tzuq rib' ruk' taq nawe's xuquje' taq ija'.
Le alaj ala xu ta' chre ri unan: Jasche le kuk kki k'u' le nawe's? Kki k'uu rech k'o ki wa pa taq ri q'alaj.