Aj k'ix uch
Eb' aj k'ix uch ninqi ch'o k'ila
Li kok'a' junelil ke'saho' xch'ool chi rilb'al aj k'ix uch li wan chaq chirix li xch'och'el pelotik.
Porcupines are large rodents with coats of sharp spines, or quills, that protect them against predation.
The children were always so excited to see the porcupine that lived in the forrest behind the soccer field.
Los puercoespines son grandes roedores con capas de espinas afiladas o púas, que los protegen contra la depredación.
Los niños siempre estaban muy emocionados de ver al puercoespín que vivía en el bosque detrás del campo de fútbol.
Eb' aj k'ix uch ninqi ch'o k'ila
Li kok'a' junelil ke'saho' xch'ool chi rilb'al aj k'ix uch li wan chaq chirix li xch'och'el pelotik.
Eju saqmutx nimaq txkup ch'ix tij , atzun kych'ixal in klonqe tu'n lay chi ok tzyuna maqa lay chix wan.
Eju k'wal in chi tzalajxix tu'n tok kykayin aju saqmutx a titaq toj k'ul tzeltij txqan tx'otx te sqach.
Taq ajk'ix aq, are' e nima'q taq aj qulunelab' ri ki q'u' k'o uk'ixol ri k'o uware on kk'ixonik, kki to' kib' kuk' rech man ke' chap taj.
Chke le ak'alab' sib'laj ku yak ki k'u'x chre ri urilik ri aj k'ix aq jela' pa ri k'ache'laj jawije' ke'l wi, chila' ri k'o chrij ri etz'enib'al pelo't.