A legal relationship involving allegiance on the part of an individual and usually protection on the part of the state.
Immigration judges are obligated to know the nationality of each respondent that comes before them.
A legal relationship involving allegiance on the part of an individual and usually protection on the part of the state.
Immigration judges are obligated to know the nationality of each respondent that comes before them.
Una relación legal que implica lealtad por parte de un individuo y usualmente protección por parte del estado.
Los jueces de inmigración están obligados a conocer la nacionalidad de cada persona que comparece ante ellos.
Xwanjikeb' li poyanam sa' xchaq'rab'il junaq tenamit b'arwi' na'tawman ru naq li awab'ejil naxk'e xtenq'ankileb'.
Teneb'aanb'il sa' xb'eeneb' aj raqol aatin re aj Q'axol ch'och chi xnawb'al xtenamitileb' chixjunjunqaleb' aj sumenel li nake'xk'ut rib' chiruheb'.
Jun tmojb´ab´il tib´aj kawb'il n-chi tzaj tq'o'n qʼuqbʼil kykʼuʼj tu'n jun xjal ikx tkyaqil maj t-xq´uqb´il tu'n tnam.
Aqe jwes te inmigración il ti´j tu´n tel kynik´ ti´j tnam te junjun xjal n-chi kub´ tyek´in kyib´ kywitz.
Jun k'amow ib' xuquje' nimanik re jun winaq chre ri utinamit rumal rech la' amaq'el are' upatan ri saqamaq' ku' chajij.
Ri ajq'atol taq tzij re ajq'axal tinamit ech'ijon che ureta'maxik ki amaq'ial chiki jujunichal ri ke' pe chikiwach cho q'atb'al tzij.