Listen (verb)
To give one's attention to a sound. The act of listening to something.
I often miss being in Guatemala because it is the place where I can always listen to marimba music played by a live band.
To give one's attention to a sound. The act of listening to something.
I often miss being in Guatemala because it is the place where I can always listen to marimba music played by a live band.
Prestar atención a un sonido. El acto de escuchar algo.
A menudo extraño estar en Guatemala porque es el lugar donde siempre puedo escuchar música de marimba tocada por una banda en vivo.
In kub' qq'o'n nak'b'il tu'n t-xi qb'in twi' jun tixti. In xi qb'in jun tixti.
Majx atl in kub' nb'isune tnan te Paxil qun okx tzunaj in xi nb'naye chnub' aj kchumb'an xjal.
Are chi' ktatab'ex jun jumuwnem. Chi' ri ktatab'exik jun jasach.
K'ialaj taq mul kin b'isoj ink'ota apon jela' Guatemala xa rumal rech chi are' chila' jawije kin kunik kin b'an tatab'enik chre ri q'ojom ri su chinuwach ek'o ri ajq'ojomab'.