Letters (alphabet)
Characters representing one or more of the sounds used in speech; any of the symbols of an alphabet.
The number letters of the alphabet depends on the language that it represents. Th English alphabet contains 26 letters and Kaqchikel contains 30 when including the glottal stop symbol.
Characters representing one or more of the sounds used in speech; any of the symbols of an alphabet.
The number letters of the alphabet depends on the language that it represents. Th English alphabet contains 26 letters and Kaqchikel contains 30 when including the glottal stop symbol.
Caracteres que representan uno o más de los sonidos utilizados en el habla; cualquiera de los símbolos de un alfabeto.
El número de letras del alfabeto depende del idioma que representa. El alfabeto inglés contiene 26 letras y el kaqchikel contiene 30 letras cuando se incluye el símbolo de la oclusiva glotal.