Aj k'anjel chi xq'ehil
A'in junaq maawa' aj tenamitil EEUU li na'el chaq re k'anjelak chiru jarub'aq po.
Junaq poyanam aj k'anjel chi xq'ehil aje' li ri chi xpaab'ankil li chaq'rab' re xmaataninkil li xwanjik.
This is an noncitizen coming to the United States to work for a temporary period of time.
Any person who is approved as a temporary worker needs to comply with the law in order to maintain status as such.
A'in junaq maawa' aj tenamitil EEUU li na'el chaq re k'anjelak chiru jarub'aq po.
Junaq poyanam aj k'anjel chi xq'ehil aje' li ri chi xpaab'ankil li chaq'rab' re xmaataninkil li xwanjik.
Are wa' ri jun winaq ri kpe jewa' EEUU ri man najta raqan q'ijb'al kelchakunoq.
Apachinchke winaq ri kya' chre ri Najta K'olem Ajchak rajawxik ku nimaj ri utzij ri taqanel tzij rech kjeqi' ri ub'antajik.