Soft, sticky soil resulting from the mixing of earth and water.
The road to Carchá was slippery because of the large amount of mud from the earlier landslide.
Soft, sticky soil resulting from the mixing of earth and water.
The road to Carchá was slippery because of the large amount of mud from the earlier landslide.
El suelo suave y pegajoso que resulta de la mezcla de tierra y agua.
El camino a Carchá estaba resbaladizo debido a la gran cantidad de lodo del deslizamiento de tierra anterior.
Q'uni ch'occh', na'letz'e li na'yola rik'in xjunajinkil ch'och' rik'in ha'.
Li b'e re wulak aran Carchá jwal xik sa' xk'ab'a' naq numtajenaq li sulul li uq'ul x'ux mixk eq'ela.