Get distracted (verb)
To have one's attention or thoughts drawn away, making it difficult to focus or give attention to something.
He gets easily distracted when he does his homework.
To have one's attention or thoughts drawn away, making it difficult to focus or give attention to something.
He gets easily distracted when he does his homework.
Desviar la atenci贸n o los pensamientos, lo que dificulta concentrarse o prestar atenci贸n a algo.
Se distrae f谩cilmente cuando hace su tarea.
Are chi' jun ku tzaq rujolom on uno'j, ri k'ax ku riqo chi kolom kchomanik on chre ri uyaik utatab'exik junjasach.
Le ala k'wi k'o wi kanoq ri ujolom are chi' kataji ku b'an ri udeber.